Christenings / Baptisms
It is wonderful that you are thinking about having your child Baptised / Christened. Anyone is welcome to have their child baptised in their local parish church. By doing this you are promising to try and raise your child in a way where they come to love God and follow Jesus. You are also helping them to become a part of the family of God that is the church.
Please click here to find your local church: www.achurchnearyou.com
Alternatively you may like to have a service of thanksgiving for your child, where you give thanks to God for your child. This can be done either before or instead of a Christening or Baptism.
We would love to support you in this special occasion at St Pauls and celebrate with you the fact that your child is a wonderful gift that is precious to God and to you.
All you need to know about planning and going to a Church of England Christening can be found on: www.churchofenglandchristenings.org.
If you would like to enquire about having a Christening / Baptism or Thanksgiving at St Paul’s please contact the church wardens at mail@stpaulsluton.org.uk or on 07305918954