As a Church, we are very much reliant upon the financial gifts that we receive. The money is used to support the life and ministry of St Pauls in the local community as we seek to - ‘Love God and follow Jesus by: welcoming all, loving others, building relationships, making disciples.’ We always welcome donations. You can offer this in the following ways:
Note: if you are donating for a specific appeal, please email us at mail@stpaulsluton.org.uk with the details. Thank you.
Bank Transfer
To give a one off payment or set up a Standing Order:
Please note our bank details are changing from 1st January 2021 as follows:
Account name: Parochial Church Council of St Pauls Luton
Sort Code: 23-05-80
Account number 40209352
Please put donation as a reference, or the name of the particular appeal the money should go towards, e.g. Christmas boxes.
By Cheque
Please make your cheque payable to: PCC of St Pauls Luton
and send it to St Pauls Church, New Town Street, Luton, LU13EB or bring it along to one of our services or events.
For more information on giving please contact our Treasurer, Keith Blackwell on keith206@hotmail.co.uk
Thank you so much.