MAP (Mission Action Plan)



User ID

Kate Lomax

This MAP is for my...



Luton, St Paul


Contact Name

Rev Kate Lomax


Priest in Charge

Contact Email Address


I consent to having the Diocese of St Albans office collect my details via this form

This MAP was uploaded to the website on

17th November 2021

Our MAP will be reviewed next

17th November 2022

What progress are you celebrating since your previous MAP?

Since our previous MAP we have built stronger links with our community, made improvements to our building and facilities and started a community cafe. We have increased our visibility through a new website, social media, noticeboard, branding and A Church Near You. We have addressed giving and focused sermons on our new mission statement and values.

How far did you meet your previous priorities?


Where has there been less progress than hoped for?

Before the pandemic we were steadily increasing our parish share. During the pandemic we had to reduce this and are now slowly beginning to increase it again. It has been a challenge to get volunteers to attend the RNP training.


A growing church, at the heart of the community, sharing God's love.


We seek to love God and follow Jesus by:
Welcoming all, loving others, building relationships and making disciples.

1st Priority

We hope to deepen our prayer life as a church

Which of the 3 strands of Living God's Love does your 1st Priority most focus on?

Going deeper into God

SMART Goal to achieve your 1st Priority

Start a regular prayer meeting by end Feb 2022, on zoom initially, open to everyone in the church community. (Led by lay member of church).

SMART Goal 2 to achieve your 1st Priority

Recommence prayers for healing as part of the Sunday service each month, starting Jan 2022. (Vicar).

SMART Goal 3 to achieve your 1st Priority

Provide teaching on prayer as part of a Sunday service, in Lent 2022. (Vicar).

2nd Priority

Improve the accessibility of our Sunday worship and community events.

Which of the 3 strands of Living God's Love does your 2nd Priority most focus on?

Going deeper into God, Making New Disciples, Transforming Communities

SMART Goal to achieve your 2nd Priority

Installation of screens in the worship space to help improve quality and provision of services and events. By summer 2022. (Working party).

SMART Goal 2 to achieve your 2nd Priority

Build team of volunteers and train them to operate screens during services and events. By summer 2022. (Lay leader).

SMART Goal 3 to achieve your 2nd Priority

Create worship resources to enable effective use of screens in worship. By summer 2022. (Lay leader and Vicar).

3rd Priority

To build deeper relationships and share the love of Jesus with families in the community.

Which of the 3 strands of Living God's Love does your 3rd Priority most focus on?

Going deeper into God, Making New Disciples, Transforming Communities

SMART Goal to achieve your 3rd Priority

Invite more pre school families to the community cafe, starting January 2022 and throughout the year. (Cafe team).

SMART Goal 2 to achieve your 3rd Priority

Improve the equipment in the creche area at the community cafe to better cater for pre schoolers and their carers. By Easter 2022. (Cafe team).

SMART Goal 3 to achieve your 3rd Priority

Start a weekly art / craft activity which will have a Christian theme, for children coming to the cafe. By Easter 2022. (Cafe team).

4th Priority

Continue to build our ministry to local refugees and asylum seekers.

Which of the 3 strands of Living God's Love does your 4th Priority most focus on?

Transforming Communities

SMART Goal to achieve your 4th Priority

Host a meal for local refugees and asylum seekers in January in 2022. (Vicar and refugees).

How do you rate your MAP?


How are your priorities and action goals going to be resourced?

We have some volunteers (by no means as many as we would like!) I would also hope to involve members of the community cafe and local refugees to achieve the priorities, fostering a culture of doing with rather than doing to.
We generally have the budget required and if needed options of grant funding could be looked at.

Would you like any support from the Diocesan Office?

Flourishing Churches - Church Growth, Reaching New People, Youth & Children

Please give details

Support and resources to help towards the priorities identified would be welcomed.

Historically how far has the MAP process helped you achieve your priorities?


We believe that the following elements help build Flourishing Churches; which of the following areas is your MAP focusing on?

Profound WorshipEngaging Youth and Children's WorkEffective CommunicationsWarm Welcome and InvitationDeepening DiscipleshipCourageous Community Engagement

In the preparation of your MAP, did you use any support from the Flourishing Churches team?

We used the Mission Action Planning literature from the website


Luton, St Paul


Luton, St Paul



